Monday, August 13, 2012

Mad Madder Maddest

Today is a happy day for most of us.

Mak is now discharged from Ampang Puteri and now resting at my sister's house in Ampang. She looks good; if there is any relapse, we are heading to another hospital for a second opinion.

Twelve days at Ampang Puteri and we are no closer to finding the truth about Mak. The good news is she has no cancer whatsoever. All cancer marker tests came out negative.

She knew that she had none of the those.

So why would she have fever on a daily basis? Ampang Puteri had tried the most powerful antibiotic (Tienam), supposedly daily it would cost us over a thousand buck, and yet her fever would persist. I told a friend that the doctor is experimenting, but we are paying for the experiment nevertheless, and irrespective of the results.

So he replied, "You are providing funds for research at Ampang Puteri!"

Oh My God! I am, really, as if I can afford it.

Can we change this business in healthcare? They are having it too easy at our expense and no wonder they are making hundreds of millions. Is it a wonder that the KPJ are expanding like nobody's business? Let's give them more responsibility in caring for their patients. If they can't figure out anything in a test that they have requested or recommended, then the charge would be on the hospital. If they found the cause/problem, only then the patient would be paying for it.

What say you?

Anyway, today's discharge of Mak was marred by an incident. A fat, short person (read: obese) wearing jeans that has seen better days (read: unwashed for at least a year) went berserk at the hospital. He was seen leaving the hospital soon after, but we aren't sure what had become of him.

Too thick a helmet had shrunk his brain perhaps.

I don't know, but I don't care.

Let's hope Mak would be able to cope with life outside hospital. It is better for her for sure; living for so many days in a hospital can be detrimental to one's health, especially the mental one.

As seen in the case above.

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