Well, I hope this journal will be one that comes from the heart, on just about anything, everything and nothing.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Kalau Merenung Bintang di Langit
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Anak Derhaka
Mereka menganggap diri mereka lebih hebat dan terpelajar dari ibu dan bapa mereka dan sering berlaku biadap serta kurang ajar terhadap ayah bonda mereka.
Tidak ada hijab diantara ibubapa dengan Tuhan Rabbul Alamin.
Do'a mereka pasti dimakbulkan Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala!
Dan yang lebih hebat lagi ialah hak ibu, sebab dialah yang paling berat menanggung penderitaan waktu mengandung, melahirkan, menyusui, dan mengasuh.
Firman Allah Ta'ala:
"Dan kami perintahkan kepada manusia supaya berbuat baik kepada ibu-bapanya, ibunya telah mengandung dia dengan susah-payah dan melahirkannya dengan susah-payah pula; mengandung dan menyusuinya selama 30 bulan." (al-Ahqaf: 16)
"Ada seorang laki-laki datang kepada Nabi dan bertanya: Siapakah manusia yang lebih berhak saya kawani dengan baik?
Ia menjawab: Ibumu!
Dia bertanya lagi: Kemudian siapa?
Ia menjawab: Ibumu!
Dia bertanya lagi: Kemudian siapa lagi?
Ia menjawab: Ibumu!
Dia bertanya lagi: Kemudian siapa lagi?
Ia menjawab: Ayahmu!" (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
Nabi anggap durhaka kepada dua orang tua itu sebagai dosa besar, sesudah syirik.
Begitulah sebagaimana ungkapan al-Quran.
Oleh karena itu dalam hadisnya, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bersabda:
"Maukah kamu saya terangkan sebesar-besar dosa besar --tiga kali.
Mereka menjawab: Mau, ya Rasulullah!
Maka bersabdalah Nabi, yaitu:
- menyekutukan Allah,
- durhaka kepada dua orang tua --waktu itu dia berdiri sambil bersandar, kemudian duduk, dan berkata:
- Ingatlah! Omongan dusta dan saksi dusta." (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
"Ada tiga orang yang tidak akan masuk sorga:
1) orang yang durhaka kepada dua orang tua;
2) laki-laki yang tidak ada perasaan cemburu terhadap keluarganya;
3) perempuan yang menyerupai laki-laki." (Riwayat Nasa'i, Bazzar dan Hakim)
"Semua dosa akan ditangguhkan Allah sampai nanti hari kiamat apa saja yang Dia kehendaki, kecuali durhaka kepada dua orang tua, maka sesungguhnya Allah akan menyegerakan kepada pelakunya dalam hidupnya (di dunia) sebelum meninggal." (Riwayat Hakim)
Allah memperkuat pesannya untuk berbuat baik kepada dua orang tua ini, ketika kedua orang tua tersebut telah mencapai umur lanjut, kekuatannya sudah mulai menurun, mereka sudah mulai sangat membutuhkan pertolongan dan dijaganya perasaannya yang mudah tersinggung itu.
Dalam hal ini Allah berfirman sebagai berikut:
"Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan hendaklah kamu tidak berbakti kecuali kepadaNya dan berbuat baik kepada dua orang tua, jika salah satu di antara mereka atau keduanya sudah sampai umur tua dan berada dalam pemeliharaanmu, maka janganlah kamu katakan kepada mereka itu kata-kata 'uff' (kalimat yang tidak menyenangkan hati), dan jangan kamu bentak mereka, tetapikatakanlah kepada mereka berdua kata-kata yang mulia.
Dan rendahkanlah terhadap mereka berdua sayap kerendahan karena kasih, dan doakanlah kepada Tuhanmu: Ya Tuhanku! Berilah rahmat mereka itu, sebagaimana mereka telah memeliharaku di waktu aku masih kecil." (al-Isra': 23-24)
Beberapa atsar (omongan para sahabat) menyebutkan dalam mengiringi ayat-ayat ini dengan mengatakan: andaikata ada kalimat yang oleh Allah dipandang lebih rendah daripada uff, niscaya Ia haramkan juga.
Membuat Gara-Gara yang Menyebabkan Dicacinya Dua Orang Tua, Termasuk Dosa Besar
Lebih dari itu, bahwa Rasululiah s.a.w. tidak menjadikan gara-gara dicacinya dua orang tua hanya sekedar haram, tetapi termasuk dosa besar.
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya di antara sebesar-besar dosa besar, ialah seseorang melaknat orang tuanya sendiri --kemudian para sahabat merasa heran, bagaimana mungkin seorang yang berakal dan beriman akan melaknat orang tuanya, padahal mereka adalah penyebab hidupnya.
Kemudian mereka itu bertanya: bagaimana bisa jadi seseorang akan melaknat dua orang tuanya?
Maka jawab Nabi: yaitu dia mencaci ayah orang lain kemudian orang tersebut mencaci ayahnya, dan ia mencaci ibu orang lain, kemudian orang tersebut mencaci ibunya."
(Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
Kalau ini tidak boleh, apalagi mencaci kedua orang tua di hadapannya sendiri.
Pergi ke Medan Jihad Tanpa Izin Orang Tua, Tidak Boleh
Demi perhatian Islam terhadap kerelaan dua orang tua, maka Islam tidak membenarkan seorang anak pergi ke medan jihad tanpa mendapat izin dua orang tua, padahal fisabilillah mempunyai kedudukan yang sangat tinggi dalam Islam yang tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan sekedar sembahyang malam dan puasa di siang hari.
Abdullah bin 'Amr bin 'Ash meriwayatkan:
"Ada seorang laki-laki datang kepada Nabi minta izin pergi berperang, kemudian Nabi bertanya: Apakah kedua orang tuamu masih hidup?
Ia menjawab: Masih. Maka sabda Nabi: Berjuanglah untuk kedua orang tuamu itu." (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim) -
Yakni jadikanlah medan jihadmu itu dengan jalan berbuat baik dan melindungi kedua orang tuamu.
Dalam satu riwayat dikatakan:
"Ada seorang laki-laki datang kepada Nabi s.a.w., kemudian berkata: aku telah berbai'at kepadamu untuk pergi hijrah dan berperang demi mencari pahala dari Allah.
Lantas Nabi bertanya: Apakah salah satu dari kedua orang tuamu itu masih hidup?
Ia menjawab: Betul, bahkan kedua-duanya masih hidup.
Kemudian Nabi bertanya lagi: Apa betul kamu mencari pahala Allah?
Ia menjawab: Betul!
Maka jawab Nabi: Pulanglah, temui kedua orang tuamu itu, kemudian berbuat baiklah dalam bergaul dengan keduanya." (Riwayat Muslim)
Dan diriwayatkan dari Abdullah bin 'Amr bin 'Ash juga, ia berkata:
"Ada seorang laki-laki datang kepada Nabi, kemudian berkata: saya datang berbai'at kepadamu untuk berhijrah, tetapi saya tinggalkan kedua orang tuaku dengan menangis
Maka jawab Nabi: Pulanglah dan perbuatlah kedua orang tuamu itu ketawa, sebagaimana kamu perbuat mereka menangis." (Riwayat Bukhari dan lain-lain)
Abu Said meriwayatkan:
"Ada seorang laki-laki dari Yaman pergi ke tempat Nabi s.a.w.
Lantas Nabi bertanya: Apakah kamu masih mempunyai salah seorang keluarga di Yaman?
Ia menjawab: Ya, dua orang tua saya.
Nabi bertanya lagi: Apakah keduanya itu telah memberi izin kepadamu?
Ia menjawab: Tidak!
Kemudian Nabi bersabda: Pulanglah, dan minta izinlah kepada keduanya, kalau mereka itu memberi izin maka pergilah berperang, dan jika tidak, maka berbuat baiklah kepada keduanya." (Riwayat Abu Daud)
Dewasa ini sudah ramai dikalangan anak anak zaman ini yang sudah berani berlaku derhaka terhadap ayah dan ibu mereka.
Mereka menganggap diri mereka lebih hebat dan terpelajar dari ibu dan bapa mereka dan sering berlaku biadap serta kurang ajar terhadap ayah bonda mereka.
Manusia biadap seperti ini lupa akan perintah Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala dan Rasul Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam supaya berlaku baik terhadap ibubapa mereka dan jangan sekali kali menyakitkan hati ibu dan bapa mereka yang tanpa salah seorang dari mereka tidak akan terjadinya diri mereka itu dan mustahil mereka akan dapat lahir kemuka bumi ini sebagai seorang manusia!
Selain dari Nabi Adam Alaihis Salam dan isteri baginda Sayyidatina Hawwa Radhiallahu Anha serta Nabi Isa ibni Maryam, sekelian manusia yang lain ada ibu dan ayah masing masing.
Sejarah peradaban manusia membuktikan bahawa sekiranya seseorang itu hendak diterima masyarakat sebagai seorang budiman, maka perilakunya terhadap ibu dan ayah kandung semestinya terbaik laku dan berhemah.
Bila ada anak yang derhaka terhadap ibu dan ayahnya, maka terlaknatlah si anak derhaka itu selagi belum meminta ampun maaf dari kedua atau salah seorang dari mereka yang telah disakitinya samada dengan kata kata, penulisan atau kelakuan.
Ada bukti bukti yang nyata akan nasib anak yang derhaka ini.
Sudah banyak kali peristiwa peristiwa anak anak derhaka terhadap orang tuanya disaksikan secara nyata didalam kehidupan ini.
Jangan main main dengan orangtua.
Tidak ada hijab diantara ibubapa dengan Tuhan Rabbul Alamin.
Do'a mereka pasti dimakbulkan Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala!
Jangan sampai kisah si Tanggang berulang kembali!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Khabar Kematian II - The Ancient Mariner
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Are we tempting fate?
I thought it was only a friendly and that it was the results of non-performance of on the MU team, rather than the performance of the Malaysian team. Obviously van der Saar was still napping when Amri lobbed the ball - though it was a wonderful lob in any case. What are we expecting from them since many had just returned from lazing around in the Caribbean?
Are we trying to tempt fate by having the second game?
Hahaha, I think we are. It is no laughing matter though. For some reasons I think we are in for a mauling ala 2001. Yes, wipe out that smile FAM, for this is not even a swallow for us to call it summer.
Oh boy [sigh].
Saturday, July 18, 2009
My Name is not Maria Bertha

I read in the blogs recently that Natrah aka Maria Bertha Herthog, her maiden name, passed away in the Netherland recently. I think despite the passing of time, she is one name deeeply entrenched in the mind of the Malays in Malaysia for a long time, especially those who live in the 50s. I am sure many youngsters would not have inkling of her, but even for me who is more of a 60s boy, her story has always fascinated me as a child.
That image of her clinging to her (adopted ) mother will forever be etched in my memory.
Here is what I wrote and posted on March 15, 2007 about her. You can find more detail of her in the book Tragedi Nadra (or the english translation The Nadra Tragedy (Hmmm.. pejuang bahasa please take note!) and in this blog cyberpoyo.blogspot.com dated Nov 08, 2009.
Her life is full of tragedy and I really hope she will find peace with God.
Innalillahi wainna ilaihirojiun.
This article was published on the 18th May 1993. While I didn't get paid for it, I was quite happy then to get the letter-of-the-day spot in the NST. During those days, I was competing against myself in trying to get this spot, so I was reasonably prolific then. Quite a few of them were written while I was in Dungun, under the pseudonym Adrah. This pseudonym was conceived when I was in Form 2, which is basically my full name.
In the early 90s, a sister of mine who was working in KL, told me how her friend was puzzled about all those letters being written by this person from Dungun. Her friend thought it was surprising to have someone writing in English from this remote rural town of Dungun! I thought it was funny then, but I am sure people would not be judgmental in 2007.
This is one of the two remaining articles written in the early 90s still remain in my collection. There are articles that I got paid in monetary term, while for others I got paid in hampers. I wasn't looking for the money then as the salary paid by the oil giant was enough, but it was for the fun of it, and to nurture my writing habit.
While the headline and subject on hand were about Raja Bahrin and his two children, the real story that I want to highlight in this blog is the story of this Maria Bertha Hertogh @ Natrah @ Nadra. Her story has been told many times by Mak to us over dinner or while she was preparing the meals when we were kids. It was always fascinating for us then to hear this tragic human story that was Natrah.
The only reason I was following his stories was because I thought I may have seen Raja Bahrin and his then wife Jacqueline in Melbourne. May be. I don't remember exactly.
I thought I should just publish it in this blog for record.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Semalam di Kuala Lumpur







Thursday, July 9, 2009
A step backward
Khabar Kematian
Monday, July 6, 2009
Misc 2007 Part II (from 360.yahoo.com)
I am exasperated - as always, I think.
We are left with only about 14 more days in 2007 and while I am not a believer in new year's resolution and the likes, I can't help but feel that I am simply running out of time. Two weeks will fly by my very eyes, and by the time I realized it, they are all gone.
I am of course referring to my work load.
Dont get me wrong; I am not complaining that I have too much of them. After all these years of working as an independent consultant, having too much work is a nice problem to have. Anytime.
You see, three month ago I bought a book that caught my interest mainly because of my entry of unsolved equations (So you want to do a PhD?). The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved - How Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of Symmetry, by Mario Livio caught my eyes. I became interested in this hearing the story of two prodigies who work independently on ultimately proving that quintic equation (to the 5th power) cannot be solved by simple formula.
However, both died tragically young. One of them, a romantic Frenchman named Evariste Galois (1811-1832) was known to have written his treatise the night before a duel where he was destined to be killed - he was provoked to the duel (for wanting to help out a woman). In one version, it was reported that Galois had even written the circumstance surrounding him while writing his thesis. "I can see the sun breaking through; I know I only have a couple more hours to finish of this paper."
He had been writing his thesis all night, the night before his deadly duel!
Sad and tragic story. But I have not completed the book. The version above is the one I got from my partner Peter. I need complete break from everything to complete the book.
Then a former English teacher of this writer, knowing this former student of hers likes to write, send him a book entitled "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" by Lynne Truss. This is a book on punctuation, lamenting how the punctuation is now a lost art. Unlike the previous book, this is written light-heartedly and with humour. The title of the book was taken from a joke on a bad punctuation.
A panda walks into a café. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and proceeds to fire it at the other patrons.
“Why?” asks the confused, surviving waiter amidst the carnage, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder.
“Well, I’m a panda,” he says at the door. “Look it up.”
The waiter turns to the relevant entry in the manual and, sure enough, finds an explanation. “Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.”
I quickly sms-ed this former English teacher of mine. "Cikgu Nik, I hope your gift is not a reflection of my writing." It was more in hope than anything else. I know I am guilty as charged. She must have dreaded about my punctuation and my grammar whenever she reads my blog - if she ever did.
Of course she would not say so, being the nice Form 1 teacher that she was in 1976. "No, I know you love writing. I thought you would like it," she insisted. The book was a best seller in the US in 2004.
Again, I am guilty. I have not completed the book. I need to. I would like to call myself a writer and I owe it to myself to be reading it.
But I need spare time and I simply do not have it. I need 40 hours in a day and 400 days in a year. Is there anyone doing research on this thing who can make this dream comes true? Help!
My predicament grew when Dr Satyro, our thermo guru, asked me to bring him to Kinokuniya. He recommended a book I had thought of buying many moons ago, but didn't get around to buying it. So I bought it upon his recommendation.
Since then, I have gotten around reading the story on chemistry. Enlightening to say the least. Whether I would get around to finishing it is another matter. Arif is also reading it and he loves it.
To make things worse, prior to leaving Kino, Dr Satyro handed me a book by Stephen King. No, not all those horor novel so typical of Stephen King, but one is more of his thought on writing. Apparently Dr Satyro loves to write fiction and the book on writing by Stephen King comes highly recommended. A must read for any budding writer. I am not much into fiction; I know my limit. But in the future, who knows.
There you go. The four books I need to complete when I have the time. Don't get me wrong; there is no way I would complete all four of them within the next 12 days. These four books come highly recommended and I thought I would like to share the pleasure and burden of reading them.
Looking at my schedule, I have no doubt you would complete them all before I do.
Things have been getting a bit hectic here in remote Toronto.
Toronto - the KL slang for Tronoh - is located in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in the middle of Perak. For some reasons, someone decided to locate a branch campus of Universiti Sains Malaysia here in the early 90s, and later on Petronas took over this campus and made it their own. I have been stuck here getting my daily doses of the modern rendition of the Van der Waals equation of state.
Never mind; it is not my intention to be talking about classical thermodynamics. It is enough that I have to work with it; I don't want to be writing about it.
While waiting to drive to Tronoh yesterday, someone told us that the Eid-ul Adha had been changed to the 19th. I thought the Royal Keeper of the Seal had announced that the Eid will be held on the 20th; so I was a bit surprised and confused. Apparently the confusion arises due to the fact that the Saudis announced later that the Haj will be celebrated on the 19th in Mecca.
Can we not as a community decide properly a universal date for our religious festivals and activities?
Of course with Malaysia sitting on 101 East (+8 GMT) and Mecca in the +3 GMT means that Malaysia is 5 hours ahead of the holy city of the Moslem world. In other words, Malaysia would see the new day five hours ahead and based on this should be celebrating the Haj earlier than our moslem brethren in Mecca.
However this is not the case and it looks a bit odd that a country further east which should be seeing the dalylight earlier would be celebrating a new holy day a day later.
This is one of the many occasions we moslems had to endure oddity in our religious lives and we have no one to blame but ourselves. As the United Kingdom grew into an advanced maritime nation, British mariners kept at least one timepiece on GMT in order to calculate their longitude from the Greenwich meridian, which was by convention considered to have longitude zero degrees [Wikipedia]. The centre of the universe is now in London. If we moslems had the foresight to have MMT (Mecca Mean Time) instead, then Mecca would have become the centre of the universe and that all of our religious activities throughout the world would be dictated towards Mecca.
In this case, I am advocating that the MMT be the 180 degree longitude (unlike the GMT), and as far as the moslem world is concerned, Mecca would see the first dawn of daylight daily, all year round.
There would be no way that any other location would be celebrating the Eid earlier than the two holy cities of the moslem world. We would not be celebrating Eid on two different days in any part of the world; and would stop us from becoming the laughing stock of the world. As if we could not figure out how to determine the date of the holy days.
Eventhough the world revolves around GMT/UTC, I don't think there is anything wrong for us Moslems to have our own invinsible time convention of MMT. By moving the location of the longitude 180 degree to Mecca (and let's redefine it as the 0 degree longitude), we could revolve our religious activities based on this new time standard.
From what I know, the locations of the international dateline and the so-called GMT are arbitrary. While it has became the norm and accepted as the standard (and should not be changed), I see no reasons for us not to adopt MMT, just like we have a second (lunar) calendar for all our religious holy days. It is just an imaginary line.
In other words, since the time standards are arbitrary at best, we should have no qualm celebrating anything after the dust has settled in the capital of the moslem world, irrespective what international time and date said.
The MMT is to the moslems what GMT is to the universal date and time.
What say you?
So Airport Polonia is in the news again!
I have not heard that name for a long, long time. Airport Polonia is a name from 80s made famous - to many of us - by Kumpulan Harmoni. Kumpulan Harmoni, on the other hand, is a group of four, led by Zubir Ali, who made poetic songs as their calling.
Of course I was away at uni in Melbourne, so during the year my diet was more on English pop music; I had no idea that poetic songs were making in big in Malaysia then, with Harmoni pioneering the way, until I returned home during the summer hols.
Then the song "Penantian" was the song of the year that year (sorry, can't recall the exact year). Even though Zubir Ali was no Mawi - he's better actually and he can sing eventhough he's no M.Nasir, but his strength (and hence Harmoni's) was his music with poetic lyrics. (To be honest, anything ballad would make it big then - poetic or thrash lyrics. Not quite, but close to.)
One of the song in the Penantian album, was a poem written by Zubli Zainordin about Airport Polonia. Azie's voice was so soft, so romantic. She sounds great.
I remember the conversation about this song very well at our house in Bukit Kerajaan.
Sister:"So where do you think is Airport Polonia located?"
Me: "This is a Pop Kuiz question. Give me a question with more substance."
Sister: "OK, so where on earth is Airport Polonia?"
Me: "Ah well, there goes my plan to save the world. OK, it has to be in Poland."
Sister: "And you told me you are so good in Geography that your teacher gave you RM1. You are wrong, it is in Medan Indonesia."
So I have always wondered then, how the 'heaven' did they derive the name Polonia for an airport located in the Northern part of Sumatra. It sounds Polish to me, but then again may be not. "Must be some Batak name," I thought. I had passed through this airport many times during my days at Hyprotech, on my way to the gas fields of Aceh, and I had never bat an eyelid about the name while I was there. But while the airport was a bit crowded and perhaps rundown, I never had problem there with the authorities unlike Palembang.
Until the news 2 days ago about the fire at Airport Polonia which destroyed a good part of the Bandara. That basically triggered my interest in that name again after all these years. Searching the web in general, Wikipedia in particular, I found that the name Polonia is indeed Polish. The area where the airport was built was owned by these Polish entrepreneurs who developed the area for tobacco farming.
Don't ask me how these two Polish entrepreneurs got to own a good piece of real estate in the third biggest town in Indonesia.
I thought I should celebrate the beautiful music of Harmoni while I hope that the Indonesian government would repair and upgrade the airport quickly and swiftly. The song Airport Polonia was about a group of Malaysian poets meeting their Indonesian counterparts in Medan, I guess, for a discussion on poems and literature.
Click here to listen
Airport Polonia - Zubli Zainordin
Aku tiba jua oh Polonia
Didakap jambangan senyum
Jari-jari lembut menyambutku
Sebagai pengembara yang rindu
Terasa senang dihati
Rindu terubat sudah
Bila ketemu di Polonia
Penuh memori
Salam puisi aku ucapkan
Pada kalian saudaraku
Ketanah air ku kan kembali
Membawa kenangan abadi
I could have answered you in the comment sections, but I guess it will all be embedded there without any attention. So I decided to recycle them here.
Blog Entry: Kenang-kenangan Hidup
Yup, first line on friday was his aims. My outing with him always about going to the fresh market - no wonder I have sharp eye for fresh ingredients for my cooking, and nowadays all my kids always love to follow me to the market as well.
Bapak enjoyed shopping for food as much as he enjoyed eating them. I don't recall anymore if he went to the wetmarket on a daily basis or not. It seems like it looking back. And food is not one thing he would scrouge on. No wonder his kids can all play rugby.
(KK- Bkt Residence)
Shopping with My Bapak
Bapak and Mak informing us, that they are going to take all for shopping, visiting a watch shop in lembah sayong. My first watch was QQ brand, cost 30ringgit (I think) that time, my choice was the most expensive among all, and since I really wanted it so much, he bought it anyway (I am quite sure there are some discussion of my "expensive taste" back then). The brand is still around (found out it was a cheaper version of citizen brand), and it always reminds me of him. Thank you bapak.
Hahaha, I bought myself a QQ watch costing me RM45 in 2000, and I still have them today, though Arif is the one using that now. I guess by the time we were in KK, I am practically out of the house, so I don't remember much of your discussion. Of course by then he had given me a Citizen as a present for SRP, and I used them till the late 80s; until I decided to test out the 'water-proof' feature of it and took at dip at Teluk Bidara, near Dungun with the watch on my wrist. Sad to say, that was the end of the watch!
Blog Entry: "How do you want me to answer it in my grave?"
There is another story, in KK - how bapak feel so annoyed after knowing one of his colleague, - going opposite the principle - but then, life not easier anyway for the person despite taken few piece of land for himself. (maybe you could verified with Mak)
Blog Entry: Mother’s Day Special - Have you ever really loved a woman?
on my education journey
She told me how frustrated she is once she saw my SPM results "lemah lutut mak, bila tengok result rashi" over the phone as I were working in KL then. She put high hopes on me to score, but I guess I was just lazy then, despite quite "intelligent" (obviouslly cannot beat you, abg. man :) By the way, that has touched me so much...I guess, I hope she is happy now on my qualifications.... "just ONE more Mak in 2009, Insya'allah"
Again, all these escape me. Must be while I was away. I think in life one must progressively improve ourselves and that will determine whether we are successful or not. I have seen far often excellent students at school level, but did poorly at uni. Great students at uni, but did poorly in career.
Again, attitude is important. EQ vs IQ is another. In essence, how we carry ourselves is crucial. Good luck with your PhD.
Blog Entry: Mother’s Day Special - Have you ever really loved a woman?
on the difficult times, we used to sell nasi lemak, until she is down with "demam" as additional burden to her just to get additional income. Visiting the "pajak gadai" was a routine then. And some years ago, her economy was improved, most of us are working, she proudly announced that she manage to get all the jewellery back and vowed not visit the "shop" anymore, until now.
(Most of the time, I knew, I will never be able to compensate her at any amount)Thank you Mak
Yeah, I remember that conversation reasonably well. How bapak and mak wanted to start some food business for that extra income. At one time, mum had cook all those puffy curry puff for sale. It didn't last long. May be they didn't have good business acumen or may be us kids typically would finish off the food before they could be sold!
But I didn't know that she stopped because of her health. In any case, I am glad we had tide over those lean years a long time ago though it was difficult of times then.
As for the pawn shop, those were life in Lenggong and Taiping I guess. It was not easy feeding 13 hungry and growing children. Both of them were prudent with their money, unlike many of us nowadays.
Blog Entry: Kenang-kenangan Hidup
Rashi and Abang Man,
Talking about pi masjid, do u still remember...we all went to masjid in Kg. Sayong naik bot accross Sg. Perak? One time, Rashi's slipper jatuh dalam air dan terus hanyut kat sungai tu. Haha! :D As we both argue whether we should tell u or not as u were quite far from us kat hujung jeti....(mesti kena marah nyer) haha! :D Anyway, by the time we mentioned to u...the selipar dah berenang jauh dah. And you really shown us a true abang comppasion....u loaned Rashi's...your own selipar and u walked back umah kat bukit kerajaan tu "kaki ayam"! Dari Jeti Kg. Sayong tu...Jeti Kuala...naik bukit..lalu kat girls school's tu...balik umah...Sakit pun...u act macho jer...
Actually, Arwah Bapak pun selalu pi sana...then I cant really remember why Arwah not with us...mungkin dia kerja kat tempat lain masa tu. Yes...I did ask Arwah Bapak..."Bapak, kenapa bapak suka pi masjid kat sungai ni?" And Bapak said " Tak ramai orang kat mesjid ni".
To My Little Sister, Arwah was very, very compassionate man when Arwah dengan anak-anak dia. He seldoms laugh but He always smiled when he sees funny in us. Bukit Kerajaan home is really best place to grow masa tu. Kalau dia dokong Zali, he used to sing syair taubat tu...that I am replcate to my owns now. Lagu taubat tu dah jadi nyanyian Raihan dah sekarang. I am sure all of us knew that song by heart dah....
Try yourself.
Yes, of course I remember going to the mosque on the other side of Perak River, and yes I remember Rashi losing his slipper, but not how he lost it. It doesn't matter then I guess. I mean I am not going to jump to Sg Perak to retrieve it (i.e. I was not that macho), so I guess the next best thing to do is give him my slipper. The skins of my soles must be thicker than yours by then, so I should be able to withstand the hot tarred road at mid-day. Or at least I pretended that I could withstand it.
I don't remember him there; I remember him mainly at Ubudiah though.
If you are referring to "Illa ilas tulil firdausi ahwa.." nasyid, he learned it from an Indonesian ustaz who came to Lenggong to teach in the early 70s. Him being him; always the compassionate person, even provided shelter for the ustaz at our home at the edge of Lenggong town, next to Jame' Mosque Lenggong. I guess it was the Indonesian ustaz - he was a bit 'tempang', who taught him that 'song'. We all love it then - bapak had a good voice, though our version was much slower than Raihan's and of course more melodious.
But I can't try that myself - Akmal is just way too big now for me to carry him!