Saturday, July 26, 2008

Itulah Lelaki...tapi tidak termasuk saya

I was doing my driving chore this morning with Klasik Nasional blaring on the radio when a song I have not heard before caught my attention. It is seldom they would air such (new) song at Klasik Nasional, but that's not the main reason why it caught my attention.

It was the lyric of the song actual. It is damn witty.

I seldom pay much attention to the lyric. To me, the melody is more important, irrespective of what the late PRamlee had said about lagu and irama.

Anyway, the song tells about all the bad traits of men. Anything and everything that you can think of. Nothing new there I guess, but the way the singer categorically denied that he was one put a smile back on my face, despite the mundane driving I had to make on my little Kelisa.

Apparently according to the singer, for each of the bad trait he mentioned, somehow he is not one of them!

"Tapi tidak termasuk saya," he said, straight-faced. I can imagine him saying that with a straight face! And non-chalantly.

That put a smile on my face.

I am sure you have heard of that before. Everybody is bad, I am the nice guy, so to speak. Typical men, huh?

But there are traits that the singer would readily admit that he is one of them. "Kadang-kadang termasuk saya," admitted Hang Mokhtar. So I guess he was not a hypocrite.

Anyway, I could not find the Hang Mokhtar's version that was aired around 7.30 am this morning, but I found out that it is actually an Indonesian song written by Doel Sumbang, quite a well known song-writer in Indonesia. You can't beat the Indonesians, when it comes to witty song.

I paste for you here the Indonesian version.


Umumnya lelaki punya sipat bajingan
Tak pernah puas dengan satu perempuan
Itulah lelaki..

Tapi tidak termasuk saya

Kalau ditolak cinta oleh seorang wanita
Banyak yang pergi kedukun main guna-guna
Itulah lelaki..

Tapi tidak termasuk saya

Kalau merayu bilang cinta pake sumpah
Diajak nikah alasan sekarung sampah
Itulah lelaki..

Tapi tidak termasuk saya

Jarang sadar kalau diri sendiri bekas
Selalu ingin punya pacar yang bukan bekas
Itulah lelaki..

Ini baru termasuk saya

Kalau pacar pergi sendiri cemburuan
Dia sendiri tak mau dicemburui
Itulah lelaki..

Tapi tidak termasuk saya

Malam minggu menggandeng pacar jalan-jalan
Lihat yang molek mata aktif jelalatan
Itulah lelaki..

Tapi tidak termasuk saya

Didepan mertua seperti Malaikat
Dibelakang moral bejad busuk berkarat
Itulah lelaki..

Tapi tidak termasuk saya

Benci pada gadis yang berpacar lebih satu
Dia sendiri punya pacar sampai tiga
Itulah lelaki..

Ini juga termasuk saya

Sebulan dua bulan pacar dibaikin
Bulan ketiga disergap dan dikerjain

Itulah lelaki..

Jelas… termasuk saya
Ini jelas termasuk saya
Jelas ini termasuk saya

Cipt: Doel Sumbang


Hmm, this blog is fast becoming a blog about songs. I guess it is by chance, it was not meant to be. And err, my dear sis, please do not misinterpret this entry. You were off target there the last time! :-)

You should listen to the song the way it is supposed to be enjoyed. If the previous ones are so depressing, this song is witty.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahahhaahhahah.

    A VERY cute epiloque.

    Ok,ok. I got it. Honest, serious.

    No, YOU are NOT that lelaki.

    See? I got it right what this time ;-)
